Insights Hub

On September 14th 2017, we held our 16th Retail & Leisure Summit where we launched our Footfall Heatmap (as of 2022 no longer available) and released data on the latest trends of 2017. 

The first six months of 2017 produced a remarkable turnaround in some of the key indicators of the health of the UK's retail locations. "Across the half year Retail and Leisure vacancy improved and more businesses opened on the high street than closed. In 2016 the net loss in numbers of units had been more than -1,600 but in H1 2017 it returned to growth." Introduction, 'Retail and Leisure Report: Turning Point (H1 2017)'

In the report we look at Openings and Closures of Retail and Leisure units by location type as well as by classification and nations/regions. We also share insights on vacancy rates across GB and sum it up with a case study on footfall in Waterloo, London.

We've created an infographic which shares some of the key findings from the report:

R&L Trends H1 2017 - the Infographic.png

Click here to download the summary report related to this infographic

Noelle Ghanem

Noelle Ghanem The Local Data Company 901 901

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