Retail and leisure data.

Our vast, yet agile, data is at the core of our business, and feeds into every one of our products. Our unique methodology ensures a level of depth, accuracy and dependability that cannot be found anywhere else, and our clients benefit from a decade of consistent historical data, with deep insight on both macro- and micro-level geographies.

We can deliver our proprietary data in a range of formats, depending on your needs; data can be prepared for direct integration into existing mapping products, business intelligence systems and data aggregation platforms.

Download a data sample


Updates made per month.


Units tracked on an ongoing basis.

6-12 month

Updates frequency per premises.

Data is physically verified and quality-checked as part of our unique methodology.

The only source of real-time location data available on the market.

Covers the entire GB retail and leisure sector, with over 680,000 stores.

Includes chain and independent businesses across nearly 400 market subsectors.


We can answer...


  • Where are the expansion opportunities for my brand?
  • Which of my portfolio locations is seeing declining health?
  • Are my competitors opening or rationalising sites? Where?
  • What are the emerging market trends across my sector?
  • What are the risk profiles of target sites and how could they perform commercially?




  • Portfolio optimisation
  • Expansion strategy
  • Competitor tracking
  • Market and sector tracking
  • Due diligence for M&A

Green Street, the parent company of LDC, is the preeminent and independent provider of actionable commercial real estate intelligence, covering the U.S. and Europe across nearly 20 property sectors including retail. Our comprehensive solutions include Research, Data & Analytics, News, and Advisory services.

Green Street UK is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 482269). Our global organization maintains information barriers to ensure the independence of and distinction between our non-regulated and regulated businesses. Local Data Company is not a regulated Green Street business unit. Click here to view Green Street’s privacy policy.

Copyright © 2025 The Local Data Company, 25 Maddox Street, London, W1S 2QN

Registered as a company in England & Wales 04821785 | VAT Registered No. 820601475