Resilience in the Retail and Leisure Market

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This report, released February 2020 introduces a brand new metric developed by the Local Data Company, assessing 'survival rates' of occupiers across the sector.

We define ‘survival rate’ as the percentage of units within a certain cohort (location type, retail and leisure category or brand) which remain operational 1 year, 3 years and 5 years from the date of opening.

e.g. Analysis has shown that there has been a drop in businesses that survive for longer than 5 years, decreasing from 67.2% in 2015 to 62.5% in 2019. 

This measure will facilitate lenders, property managers, asset managers and funds to review investments, looking at the relative strengths and covenants of each retailer based on nearly ten years of retailer movements.

This report includes insight on:

  • Which retail types, location types and brands have been the most resilient to market challenges over the past 10 years.
  • New ways that resilience can be measured and quantified through the analysis of long-term market data on 3,700 markets across GB.
    • Which brands have the longest average length of operation (i.e survival rate)
    • Which brands and sectors have the strongest covenants.

To download your copy of the report please complete the form on the right. You will receive an email with your report shortly.

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