The latest Local Data Company retail and leisure trends report, covering market activity over the first half of 2022, is out today.
Key findings include:
Fewer retail casualties lead to a record improvement in net change in units
Thanks to a marked decrease in store closures, net change in units across GB landed at the most positive figure since H1 2017, with a net decline of only -923 units.
Vacancy rates continue to decline, Driven by the leisure sector
Vacancy rates continued their downward trajectory from 2020, with a decline of 0.4% over H1 2022. The leisure sector continues to see the greatest improvement, but the retail vacancy rate is beginning to catch up.

Figure 1: Historical net change in units by classification type, H1 2014-H1 2022 (Source: The Local Data Company)
Hospitality remains resilient despite the end of business stimulus packages
Despite concerns over how reduced government support would affect the hospitality industry, it has proven resilient: the independent hospitality sector saw growth of 0.9% over H1 2022.
Click here to download your copy of our H1 2022 report.
Data on openings and closures across GB
GB vacancy rates by location type and region
Redevelopment activity across the retail and leisure market
Insights on the reoccupation of ex-department store and Arcadia sites since the CVAs and administrations of 2020
The fastest-growing and declining retail and leisure subcategories of H1 2022
Insights and case studies from some of our clients and partners, including NatWest, Landsec and Sook
The most likely outlook for H2 based on our latest data, including the expected impact of the cost-of-living crisis and continuing redevelopment activity across the market
And more
As part of our commitment to supporting the GB retail and leisure sector, we are providing this report free of charge. Click the button below to request a copy.
Click here to download your copy of our H1 2022 report.